
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Pining Junkie

Pinterest has become my new vice,  I am on it ALL the time. When work takes over, it is so difficult to detach and relax, fortunately, Pinterest has been created to save the day. Nothing seems more appealing to me after a long day of work than PJs and Pinterest.  You can get completely sucked into this virtual pinboard and forget about time (and boyfriends), here are some of the outfits that I found to be particularly adorable last night!

Pinterest est devenu mon nouveau péché mignon, quand je ne suis pas au bureau, je navigue ce site rempli d'idées et d'inspiration - je suis accro! En rentrant chez moi le soir, je me mets en pyjama sur le canapé et je me perds dans cet univers virtuel incroyable.  Voici quelques photos centrées sur la mode que j'ai adoré hier soir!

1 comment:

  1. Nice, not familiar with this but will check it out. Thanks xo
